Saturday, July 2, 2011

Using White

White is technically the mixture of all colors, but i absolutely love the use of white. Be it in print designs or for television, white is the color I gravitate to. White looks best in designs which have a 2 Dimensional feel to them, but white on white, white with silver or white with a hint of another bright color can bring to live even the most mundane of subjects. The thing with designing with white is that less is always more to maintain the purity of the white. White can be used both as a positive as well as the negative element of a design.

Creatively I love using white with a hint of another synthetic looking color like a bright aqua blue or a deeper vermilion. Recently I did a series of designs for a show on the rising inflation for my TV station. The show was to highlight rising costs of living, escalating prices of essential commodities and fuel and I chose to build my designs on white. 

I began with the basic white and added a grid and a shiny mirror like surface as a base. I used deep grey and silver accents on my foreground elements and added silver text and a bright chroma glow to highlight. The threading color in my all white-grey backgrounds was the use of 3 dimensional graph lines and arrows in the primary colors of blue and red. In an all white glossy yet subdued background..the viewer's eye would first fall on the red and the blue before moving to the other elements.
I deliberately chose an off center arrangement in the layout to break visual monotony and created dynamics in an otherwise simple space. The final text was also kept relatively simple with the word "inflation" getting more prominence with its size and color.

Designs of the title sequence storyboard and graphic templates follow:

Title Sequence storyboard animation of the show " Inflation: the silent killer"
End frame with the show title

Design templates for the show also follow the same style and principles
A single window anchor box
A two-way box graphic plate with the anchor and a guest

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